Преподаватели - душа школы

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Особая гордость нашей школы — преподавательский состав. У нас работают профессионалы и мастера своего дела – сертифицированные методисты и преподаватели из Великобритании, Канады, США и Латвии. 

Обязательное требование для учителей английского языка — наличие квалификации и диплома CELTA Кембриджского Университета, подтверждающего право преподавать английский язык как иностранный. Педагоги продолжают учиться – постоянно повышают квалификацию и проходят профессиональные тренинги, разработанные в IHWO.

Все учителя латышского языка имеют высшее специальное образование и многолетний опыт в преподавании как для детей, так и для взрослых.

Michael Antony Earley

Director of Studies
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Michael Antony Earley

-- I'm from Manchester, England. I believe that creating a positive learning environment in the classroom is the single most important thing a teacher can do for their students. Once this is in place, it's a piece of cake!

Qualifications:DELTA, CELTA, TYLEC, Accredited TYLEC Local Tutor, NILE Certificate in Management in Language Education.

Florencia Valente

Assistant Director of Studies
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Florencia Valente

- There is nothing more rewarding than seeing students make progress throughout the year. You get to celebrate big and small accomplishments as they become more confident and competent communicators.

Qualifications: BA, CELTA, IH CAM, DELTA

Marjorie Frick

Assistant Director of Studies
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Marjorie Frick

- I'm from Switzerland. I aim to make my lessons creative and engaging, because I believe learning languages should be a rewarding experience for anyone who decides to embark on such a journey. I'm an art and literature lover and my hobbies include water sports and traveling.

Qualifications: BA, CELTA, IH CYLT

Florencia Valente

English Language Teacher
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Florencia Valente

- There is nothing more rewarding than seeing students make progress throughout the year. You get to celebrate big and small accomplishments as they become more confident and competent communicators.

Qualifications: BA, CELTA, IH CAM, DELTA

Rezvan Zanoubi

English Language Teacher
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Rezvan Zanoubi

- Teaching is a journey of lifelong learning for me. I continuously update my teaching knowledge and understanding of my students to create a more engaging, enjoyable, and effective learning environment.

Qualifications: B.A, Master, and Ph.D. in TEFL, CELTA, DELTA, Teacher training certificate

Marina Jelisejeva

English Language Teacher
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Marina Jelisejeva

- One of the things I really want they feel after the course is the feeling of confidence. I like Walt Disney’s statement “First, think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And finally, dare.” I believe our  students dare.

Qualifications: MA, CELTA, IH CYLT

Kostas Tosnari

English Language Teacher
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Kostas Tosnari

- I am here to support students and help them develop their skills and communicative competence to become fluent and accurate speakers and enjoy learning.

Qualifications: BA, Med TEFIL, Cambridge Delta, CELTYL

Marta Szychowska

English Language Teacher
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Marta Szychowska

- I do my best to create a classroom where students can thrive and explore to reach their full potential. I aim to create a warm, friendly environment, so students feel safe to take risks and express themselves.

Qualifications: BA, Trinity CertTESOL, IHCYL

Viktoria Chesnovicka

English Language Teacher
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Viktoria Chesnovicka

- I have always wanted to become a teacher. As a child, I used to put my dolls around the room on the chairs and show them different pictures in the books. Later on I was inspired by my English teacher at the secondary school – strict but friendly, beautiful and very intelligent.

Qualifications: BA, MA, CELTA

Margarita Ulitska

English Language Teacher
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Margarita Ulitska

- I think friendly and enjoyable atmosphere at the lessons is very important for learning languages. I am the happiest professional - I love my job and my students.

Qualifications: MA, IHCC

Irina Piskorska

English Language Teacher
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Irina Piskorska

- "Inspired students" learn much faster, that is why I do my best to create the most enjoyable learning atmosphere for students.

Qualifications: BA, IHCC

Marina lavran

English Lanuage Teacher
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Marina Lavran

- I love my job and my students.

Qualifications: MA

Jelena Zaiceva

English Language Teacher
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Jelena Zaiceva

- I feel like it is amazing to be a part of a different language world: to be able to speak with this world, to respond to it. And this is even more precious that you can help other people to enter this world and show them wider possibilities.

Qualifications: MA

Linda Bidiņa

Latviešu valodas pasniedzēja
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Irina Piskorska

- Palīdzēt citiem - tas ir prieks un aicinājums. Aicinām pie mums - apgūt jaunu, pilnveidoties, piedalīties sarunās un grupās. Uz tikšanos!

Kvalifikācija: MA

Alice Vergalito

English Lanuage Teacher
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Alice Vergalito

-  I achieved the CELTA Certification from Cambridge with IH Milan, that enables me to teach English. Teaching is my passion and I have always dreamed about being a teacher. Thanks to my university studies I also have a Degree in Psychology that helps me to create a productive and inspiring learning environment for my students.

Qualifications: CELTA

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